
Globaalne õigusturuülevaade Legal 500 tunnustas RASKi kõrgeid kompetentse üheksas õigusvaldkonnas

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Globaalne õigusturuülevaade Legal 500 tunnustas RASKi kõrgeid kompetentse üheksas õigusvaldkonnas

Eelmisel nädalal avaldas rahvusvaheline õigusturuülevaade Legal 500 oma 2022. aasta reitingud EMEA piirkonnas tegutsevatele advokaadibüroodele. Eesti büroode seas tunnustas Legal 500 advokaadibrüoo RASK järjepidavalt kasvavaid kompetentse üheksas õigusvaldkonnas.  Lisaks pälvisid õigusturuülevaates isikulist esiletõstmist seitse RASKi vandeadvokaati: Ramon Rask, Timo Kullerkupp, Villy Lopman, Tarmo Peterson, Karl Erik Esko, Andrei Svištš ja Birgit Aasa.

The Legal 500 poolt tunnustust leidnud valdkonnad ning esile tõstetud eksperdid:

  • Äri- ja tehingute nõustamine >> eraldiseisvalt esile tõestetud Timo Kullerkupu ja Ramon Raski kompetentsid valdkonnas

The ‘practical and down to earth business team’ at RASK Attorneys-at-Law has maintained a track record in acting for prominent Estonian and Baltic investment funds and advisers. The team is led by Ramon Rask who has over ten years of experience in corporate transactions, shareholder disputes and day-to-day advisory affairs; he is notably a member of the Commercial Law Committee of the Estonian Bar Association. Timo Kullerkupp is well known for his work in international transactions.

„Very practical and down to earth business team. Pleasure to work with.“
„Quick reaction time, trustworthiness and ability to rely on.“
„RASK lawyers always go in deep to understand your business and your dealings.“

  • Fintech >> eraldiseisvalt esile tõstetud Timo Kullerkupu ja Karl Erik Esko kompetentsid

RASK Attorneys-at-Law is a leading legal advisor within the technology sector. The firm consults clients in various projects including start-ups on matters relating to blockchain, cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence. The team is a long-term legal advisor for some of the most internationally recognised Estonian technology companies such as Flizy and Cleveron. ‘Outstanding attorney‘ Timo Kullerkupp leads the team and has acted for numerous clients on all technology related matters, including major transactions. Karl Erik Esko stands out for his extensive knowledge on business models based on innovative IT-platforms and blockchain technologies; he also handles the legal issues that come with digital technology and developing financial structures through private investors or crowdfunding platforms.

„The team is always available for the client, fast and results orientated. The value you get for the time spent by the team and invoiced to the clients, is extremely good!“
„Timo Kullerkupp is an outstanding attorney with a very good knowledge of the market and always hands. He is calm, yet very convincing and pushing through his clients best interests.“

  • Pangandus, finantseerimine ja kapitaliturund

RASK Attorneys-at-Law is well known for its advisor liaising services with regulators, in addition to permitting matters such as acquiring creditor activity licences, bond issues, establishment of funds and fund management vehicles. The team is led by Timo Kullerkupp and Karl Erik Esko. Kullerkupp is active in consulting investment companies and credit institutions overseen by the Estonian Financial Supervision and Resolution Authority for over ten years. Esko is a strong partner for entrepreneurs in developing financing structures and raising capital through funds, private investors or crowdfunding platforms. Both are described as ‘very practical‘ and ‘a pleasure to work with.’

„The team is extremely hands on, always available. They just like that come up with ideas how to solve dead end situations.“
„Timo Kullerkupp is a true leader in tough negotiations, he is calm yet does not give up until he gets what his clients wants.“

  • Maksunõustamine >> eraldiseisvalt esile tõstetud ka Villy Lopmani kompetentsid valdkonnas.

The reliable team at RASK Attorneys-at-Law is led by Villy Lopman, who is sought after for his expertise, having developed his background as head of the legal department and principal lawyer at the Estonian Tax and Customs Board; he is well regarded for his legal expertise in complex tax disputes and has led the counsel in all major RASK tax cases and tax-related criminal cases.

„RASK team is very reliable and thus far I have been satisfied with the service.“
„For this department specifically, I would highlight Villy Lopman who really is an expert in his field. Tax law is full of complex nuances, yet Villy fearlessly manages to tackle any issue, often exceeding my expectations.“

  • Logistika ja transport

RASK Attorneys-at-Law offer a wide portfolio of work within the aviation and shipping industries, consulting clients on sector-specific issues, complex transactions and litigation. The team has been offering legal counsel to a majority of main airlines operating in Estonia, such as Air Baltic including services such as legislative impact assessments, addressing infrastructure, permitting and staffing issues. Timo Kullerkupp leads the team, and has more than eight years of experience with on-call legal consulting for the aviation and shipping industries. Keidi Kõiv stands out for her work in dispute resolution, having helped in a number of matters this year alongside procurement matters.

„RASK Attorneys-at-Law have a very professional and responsive team. You can always count on them, even under the tightest deadlines. Their lawyers have excellent knowledge in the aviation and transport areas.“
„The team at RASK Attorneys-at-Law is truly full service, displaying an innovative approach to the subject of collaboration. Not only have they been of assistance in several areas of expertise, but they have continued to provide fast and practical answers and solutions.“
„Timo Kullerkupp is a very knowledgeable and experienced attorney-at-law. He is very accessible, making his assistance secure and reliable. The same goes for RASK’s helpful attorney-at-laws: Ken Kaarel Gross, Karl Erik Esko and Keidi Kõiv.“

  • IP, IT ja telekommunikatsioon

RASK Attorneys-at-Law assists clients in IP-related due diligence exercises, trade mark protection, licensing matters, employment-related IP counselling, document drafting and disputes. Timo Kullerkupp, who also specialises in IT law, consults clients on complex sector-specific regulations and is the head legal advisor in a new Estonian deep tech program titled The North Star, which focuses on collaboration with the leading universities and scientists.

„The Rask team is very professional and punctual. Their punctuality and reactiveness has really made our collaboration fantastic. There is a professional team member for any legal support you might need. International law and various languages.“
„Tarmo Peterson – reactiveness, professionalism and time keeping.“

  • Kinnisvara ja ehitus

RASK Attorneys-at-Law is home to lawyers who are prominent advisors in the real estate and construction sector, dealing with large scale real estate disputes, major transactions, negotiations as well as all daily corporate matters. The firm’s client list includes prominent real estate and construction firms and investment funds in Estonia. The team is led by Ramon Rask and Marina Lapidus , with Rask having extensive experience in consulting Estonia’s leading real estate funds, as well as resolving disputes both in and out of court. Lapidus has in depth sector-specific knowledge, and has worked on public procurement and execution of construction contracts.

„High client focus and good professionals. Lead partner has a deep practical knowledge off the field as well which makes him stand out against competitors.“
„I have worked mostly with Ramon Rask and his knowledge of the field and practical advice on mediation makes him stand out against competition.“

  • Vaidluste lahendamine >> eraldiseisvalt esile tõstetud Andrei Svištši kompetentsid kriminaalmenetluse valdkonnas

RASK Attorneys-at-Law continue to keep dispute resolution as a key focal point of the firm and is recognised within large scale insolvency disputes, white-collar crime and corruption matters as well as dealings with the Estonian Tax and Customs Board. The firm also engages in work related to environmental disputes, ranging from forest protection and planning to green energy related disputes. Tarmo Peterson leads the team and has established a high demand practice in insolvency matters. Ramon Rask leads the Corporate Disputes team and has broad knowledge of how detailed finance-specific arguments may need to be for the balanced treatment of tax and economic offences. Andrei Svištš is noted for his excellent strategic skillset within financial crime.

  • EL õigus ja konkurents >> eraldiseisvalt esile tõstetud Birgit Aasa kompetentsid valdkonnas

RASK Attorneys-at-Law has had a successful year defending clients’ rights in complex and high-volume state-aid cases. The firm continues to represent independent pharmacies in the implementation of pharmacy reform in Estonia within the Estonian Chamber of Pharmacists and Supreme Court of Estonia. Tarmo Peterson has represented clients in the preparation and validation of the legal analysis of major investment projects in Estonia, with knowledge of the competition law risks involved in cooperation projects between Estonia and the European Union. Birgit Aasa is a highly qualified advisor in EU, constitutional and international law, and stands out for her capability to offer comprehensive solutions to complex legal issues on civil disputes, public procurement and competition law.

The Legal 500 reitingud ja edetabelid põhinevad põhjalikul iga-aastasel uurimistööl, milles võetakse arvesse nii eelneva aasta jooksul nõustatud tööde mahtu, tulemusi kui ka klientide omapoolset hinnangut nõustamise kvaliteedile.

Täname omalt poolt RASKi häid kliente usalduse ja positiivse tagasiside eest!