Advising fishing companies on building permits for offshore fish farming in the Tagalahe estuary


RASK’s attorney Sandra Kaas provided legal guidance to fishing companies regarding building permit procedures for offshore fish farming, with a focus on the building permit and environmental impact assessment process.

In 2018, Saaremere Kala AS applied to the Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority for a permit to construct aquaculture facilities in a public water body to establish an offshore fish farm. The purpose of the permit application was to develop open sea fish farming in Estonia’s coastal waters, specifically in the Tagalahe estuary near Saaremaa.

Since the permit involved a key commercial fishing area, it was essential that the interests of the fishing companies were considered during the permit process and that any permit issued would ensure the planned activities would not restrict or impede commercial fishing activities, including trawling and coastal fishing.

Thanks to RASK’s guidance, the Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority issued the applicant a building permit in autumn 2023, which equitably accounted for the rights and interests of all involved parties. The conditions attached to the permit reasonably safeguarded the interests of the fishing companies.